24 research outputs found

    EEG Based Inference of Spatio-Temporal Brain Dynamics

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    EEG Source Reconstruction Performance as a Function of Skull Conductance Contrast

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    Sparse Source EEG Imaging with the Variational Garrote

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    EEG source imaging assists decoding in a face recognition task

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    EEG based brain state decoding has numerous applications. State of the art decoding is based on processing of the multivariate sensor space signal, however evidence is mounting that EEG source reconstruction can assist decoding. EEG source imaging leads to high-dimensional representations and rather strong a priori information must be invoked. Recent work by Edelman et al. (2016) has demonstrated that introduction of a spatially focal source space representation can improve decoding of motor imagery. In this work we explore the generality of Edelman et al. hypothesis by considering decoding of face recognition. This task concerns the differentiation of brain responses to images of faces and scrambled faces and poses a rather difficult decoding problem at the single trial level. We implement the pipeline using spatially focused features and show that this approach is challenged and source imaging does not lead to an improved decoding. We design a distributed pipeline in which the classifier has access to brain wide features which in turn does lead to a 15% reduction in the error rate using source space features. Hence, our work presents supporting evidence for the hypothesis that source imaging improves decoding

    ”Jeg ved godt, hvad jeg burde gøre, jeg kan bare ikke”: Sundere livsstil gennem narrativ-samskabende coaching

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    The aim of this case study based on action research was to show how the usage of a narrative-collaborative coaching approach, in a group setting of women aged 40-55, could help women to bridge the gap between action and knowledge concerning lifestyle changes. Furthermore, physical activity was utilized to create and strengthen group dynamics. The dominant narratives associated with lifestyle changes are presented as results of this study. The case study sheds light on important aspects to consider when wanting to change people’s way of living. The group setting has central impact in the process. Confronting and co-creating old and new realities in a group setting with like-minded individuals proved to enhance the understanding of oneself and possible ways of dealing with the experienced barriers. Given the short duration of the action research based case study period, more research is needed in order to investigate how sustainable the new co-created realities and lifestyle changes are

    Single-Trial Decoding of Scalp EEG under Natural Conditions

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    There is significant current interest in decoding mental states from electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. EEG signals are subject-specific, are sensitive to disturbances, and have a low signal-to-noise ratio, which has been mitigated by the use of laboratory-grade EEG acquisition equipment under highly controlled conditions. In the present study, we investigate single-trial decoding of natural, complex stimuli based on scalp EEG acquired with a portable, 32 dry-electrode sensor system in a typical office setting. We probe generalizability by a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation approach. We demonstrate that support vector machine (SVM) classifiers trained on a relatively small set of denoised (averaged) pseudotrials perform on par with classifiers trained on a large set of noisy single-trial samples. We propose a novel method for computing sensitivity maps of EEG-based SVM classifiers for visualization of EEG signatures exploited by the SVM classifiers. Moreover, we apply an NPAIRS resampling framework for estimation of map uncertainty, and thus show that effect sizes of sensitivity maps for classifiers trained on small samples of denoised data and large samples of noisy data are similar. Finally, we demonstrate that the average pseudotrial classifier can successfully predict the class of single trials from withheld subjects, which allows for fast classifier training, parameter optimization, and unbiased performance evaluation in machine learning approaches for brain decoding